Saturday, June 16, 2007

welcome to my blog....
over time I will add portfolios and sections for you to peruse. One will be on Pathwork people. This is a loosely knit organization with posts all over the world, based on the works of Eva Pierrakos, who once was Eva Broch, related to Herman Broch the writer.
My participation was very involved. But at times in the 1970's I felt I belonged to a secret society. Eva Broch was a medium and gave her lectures under trance from a Guide. She felt this to be very true and I went along with it, that is I listened to the words as words of wisdom. Besides she was an excellent therapist, intuitive and profound. She helped me with issues I had around surviving World War II, both as a Jewish child hidden in the war, and later an orphan at the hands of the Nazis.
I am a photographer, among others things, so these are images of people that I found to be beautiful and deep. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so everyone looked beautiful and interesting. I am mostly a street photographer. Let's hope this porfolio is inspiring to you the viewer.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Charles, I'm looking forward to seeing your photos!

